County of Dallas, ss:

I, Ivan D. Lee, being duly sworn, depose as follows:

In my performance of duties as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, I was assigned to take photographs of the rear of Major Edwin A. Walker's residence at 4011 Turtle Creek Boulevard, Dallas, Texas.

On February 1, 1964, accompanied by Special Agent W. James Wood, I proceeded to the alley area located behind the residence of Major General Walker and took photographs from an automobile of the Federal Bureau of Investigation proceeding slowly through the alleyway. These photographs were taken at approximately 10:00 a.m. on February 1, 1964. At approximately 10:30 a.m., I returned to the area on foot and took two photographs, looking south by southwest down the alleyway behind Major General Walker's residence toward Avondale Street, Dallas. After returning to the Bureau automobile, we proceeded through the alley once again at approximately 10:45 a.m. and took another photograph of the rear of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker. At approximately 11:15 a.m. another trip was made through the alley and another photograph was taken of the rear of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker.

Photographs numbered on the back as DL 36* depict rear views of the residence of Major General Edwin A. Walker, and is the same residence as depicted in Commission exhibit number 5 and marked as FBI inventory number 369. Photographs numbered as DL 35** depict the alleyway looking south by southwest from the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints parking lot which is located adjacent to and north of the property of Major General Edwin A. Walker. In the left hand side of the photographs of the alleyway, a driveway is noted, which is the driveway leading to the back of Major General Edwin A. Walker's residence.

I used a Federal Bureau of Investigation owned 35 millimeter Robot camera in taking the above photographs.

Signed this 1st day of June 1964, at Dallas, Tex.
(s) Ivan D. Lee,

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