The testimony of Garnett Claud Hallmark was taken at 10:35 a.m. on June 27, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Byran and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Leon D. Hubert, Jr., assistant counsel of the President's Commission.
Mr. HUBERT. This is the deposition of Mr. Garnett Claud Hallmark.
Mr. Hallmark, my name is Leon D. Hubert. I am a member of the advisory staff of the general counsel on the President's Commission. Under the provisions of Executive Order 11130 dated November 29, 1963, and the joint resolution of Congress No. 137, and the rules of procedure adopted by the President's Commission in conformance with the Executive order and the joint resolution, I have been authorized to take this sworn deposition from you. I state to you


now that the general nature of the Commission's inquiry is to ascertain, evaluate, and report upon the facts relative to the assassination of President Kennedy and the subsequent violent death of Lee Harvey Oswald. In particular as to you, Mr. Hallmark, the nature of the inquiry today is to determine that facts you know about the death of Oswald and any other pertinent facts you may know about the general inquiry and about Jack Ruby and his operations and so forth. Now, I think you appear today here by virtue of a letter written to you by J. Lee Rankin,. general counsel of the staff of the President's Commission, who asked you to come; is that correct?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's correct.
Mr. HUBERT. I believe also the letter was probably dated the 22d of June 1964, and I ask you when you received it?
Mr. HALLMARK. I received it the 23d--it was stamped the 23d.
Mr. HUBERT. That's Tuesday?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's right.
Mr. HUBERT. Well then the 3 days required for notice have elapsed. I will ask you if you will stand and raise your right hand and I will administer the oath. Do you solemnly swear that the testimony you are about to give about these matters will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes, sir.
Mr. HUBERT. Will you state your name please, sir?
Mr. HALLMARK. Garnett Claud Hallmark.
Mr. HUBERT. And your residence?
Mr. HALLMARK. 2831 Quanah.
Mr. HUBERT. How do you spell that?
Mr. HALLMARK (spelling). Q-u-a-n-a-h.
Mr. HUBERT. That's in Dallas?
Mr. HUBERT. What is your occupation?
Mr. HALLMARK. I am employed by Allright Auto Parks, Inc., as a general manager of the Dallas operation.
Mr. HUBERT. Do they operate several parking lots in the city?
Mr. HUBERT. How long have you been so employed?
Mr. HALLMARK. Eight years.
Mr. HUBERT. Do you know a man by the name of Jack Ruby?
Mr. HUBERT. How long have you known him?
Mr. HALLMARK. I have known him, it will almost be 4 years now--over 3 years.
Mr. HUBERT. I have previously handed to you a 5-page document and for the purpose of identification, I have marked the first page on the right margin as follows: "Dallas, Texas, June 27, 1964, Exhibit No. 1 of the Deposition of Garnett C. Hallmark," and I have signed my name below that and on each of the following four pages I have placed my initials in the lower right-hand corner of each page.
I asked you to read that so that you would be able to answer the questions I am now about to ask you, and that is whether or not this Exhibit No. 1, which purports to be an interview of you by FBI Agent Arthur Carter on December 11, 1963, is a fair and correct report of the interview that you did have with the FBI agent?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; it's a good account.
Mr. HUBERT. Have you any corrections or modifications or changes to make in this?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; not at all.
Mr. HUBERT. Now, I want to know whether or not you had seen Jack Ruby on the 22d of November?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; I didn't see him.
Mr. HUBERT. But on the 23d, I think, you say in your statement that you did see him?


Mr. HUBERT. Was that at the Nichols Bros. parking lot right next door to your lot next door to the Carousel Club?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's correct.
Mr. HUBERT. I think you have a man named Huey Reeves, or did. who worked there?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; Reeves still works for me. We have lost that location but Reeves still works for me.
Mr. HUBERT. As general manager of this operation are you present at times in the different locations that you operate?
Mr. HUBERT. On the 23d, you were, however, at the operation called Nichols Bros.?
Mr. HUBERT. Which was a part of Allright Parking?
Mr. HUBERT. One of the questions I want to ask you is how you fixed the time of seeing him, but I noticed that on page 2, the second paragraph, you indicate that you saw him at about 3:05 p.m. You established that time because you knew that you had a schedule that would require you to leave at 3:15, and that that enabled you to fix the time.
Mr. HUBERT. I will ask you to elaborate to this extent--tell us what kind of schedule was that?
Mr. HALLMARK. Well, first of all--of course, I had gone to this location to relieve this Tom Brown who is mentioned there, and just to let him get off and out of the office long enough to stretch his legs and get a cup of coffee, and I allowed myself approximately 30 minutes for that. I wanted to be at a location on Elm Street, 1920 Elm, at just about 3:30.
Mr. HUBERT. Is that one of your parking lots?
Mr. HUBERT. And your schedule called for you to be there at 3:30?
Mr. HUBERT. To do that you figured you would have to leave at 3:15?
Mr. HALLMARK. I wanted to leave at 3:15 to give myself plenty of time.
Mr. HUBERT. Is it your impression then that you saw Ruby about 10 minutes prior to the time you scheduled yourself to leave?
Mr. HALLMARK. He first entered the garage at probably--at 2:50.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you talk to him then?
Mr. HALLMARK. Well, he drove into the garage before I had ever gone into the office, and he parked at the place we normally let him park his car and got out and said he wanted to use the phone, that he was acting like a reporter. Of course, I granted him permission to walk in our cashier's office and use the phone.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he further identify his activities as "acting like a reporter"?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; he didn't elaborate on that.
Mr. HUBERT. I mean, did he convey to you that he was acting like a reporter in any particular matter?
Mr. HUBERT. Did you gather from what he said that he was acting like a reporter. in connection with the death of the President?
Mr. HALLMARK. I, of course, assumed that. He made the remark to me that, I believe in the process of dialing the first one of two numbers he called, that what happened to the President was terrible, and of course, I agreed, but I got most of my information when I was just immediately adjacent to him as he used the phone there.
Mr. HUBERT. You are making a gesture there which indicates about 2 feet?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; or less.
Mr. HUBERT. You were within 2 feet of him when he conversed?
Mr. HUBERT. Could you hear voices on the other end of the phone?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; I could not.
Mr. HUBERT. But you gathered your information from his remarks that you could clearly hear?


Mr. HUBERT. And that's, of course, been reported in this Exhibit No. 1, and you say it is correctly reported?
Mr. HALLMARK. It's very good.
Mr. HUBERT. Now, I think you have mentioned in your report here on the first page that he was speaking to someone and told that person that his clubs would be closed, and then the conversation, as you put it here, switched to some remarks concerning the transfer of Oswald.
Can you elaborate on that and tell us in more detail specifically what type of remarks those were?
Mr. HALLMARK. He was--he told this person who he had established as being Ken, that he had been to the city hall and was following this thing, and he had information to the effect that the transfer was to take place that afternoon I got the impression that he had some information and possibly wanted corroboration. In other words, he just was not 100 percent sure, but he had--he thought he knew that the thing was to take place then, but was not 100 percent sure. Then, he remarked that people started strewing flowers at the scene of the assassination, which is in the immediate locale of the county jail, so that possibly because of the congestion they would not transfer Oswald that afternoon. Oswald's name I don't recall definitely that Oswald's name was mentioned. He kept referring to him as "he".
Mr. HUBERT. I think you were aware that he was talking to a newspaper reporter, weren't you, a Wes Wise?
Mr. HALLMARK. He was talking to, if I may tell you something I found out since or I think I found out, he was talking to a diskjockey on one of the local radio stations.
Mr. HUBERT. His original call had been then to a man by the name of Wes Wise--Wesley Wise?
Mr. HALLMARK. He asked for Wes Wise.
Mr. HUBERT. What radio station would that be?
Mr. HALLMARK. I believe that would be Ken Dowe with KLIF. This I think I found out since the trial.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words; he first asked for Wes Wise?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's correct.
Mr. HUBERT. And your recollection is he soon discovered he was talking to Ken and so made a remark that indicated he was?
Mr. HUBERT. Was it your impression that his efforts to corroborate the time of the transfer were successful or not? I mean, did you get the impression that this man he was talking to confirmed Ruby's apparent thought that the move would be made that Saturday afternoon?
Mr. HALLMARK. I really don't think he did. I believe that as the conversation progressed and turned out, that Ruby had more information or perhaps, and I don't know what the other guy knew, but perhaps he just wasn't putting anything out.
Mr. HUBERT. In any case, you got the impression that Ruby, who was seeking information, was not in fact getting any but giving some?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's true; and it Just suited him to be putting out this information.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words, he seemed pleased with himself?
Mr. HALLMARK. He seemed pleased with himself; yes.
Mr. HUBERT. Now, you make the statement here that one of the remarks he made was "You know I'll be there". Do you recall in what context that was, I mean, what had immediately preceded that, so that we might be able to gain some light as to where he said he would be?
Mr. HALLMARK. He planned to be on the scene of the transfer.
Mr. HUBERT. That's what you gathered from that remark?
Mr. HUBERT. Do you remember what preceded it so that we could get the basis of forming an impression ourselves of what this phrase "You know I'll be there" referred to?
Mr. HALLMARK. The conversation that preceded that statement was that about


the strewing of the flowers and the possible delay of the transfer. In other words, immediately after he said that possibly the thing would be delayed, he listened for a period of time, maybe 20 seconds and closed the conversation with, "You know I'll be there".
Mr. HUBERT. And your thought is that that referred to the jail?
Mr. HUBERT. Now, one other thing I want to cover is that you make a statement that it was your impression that Ruby would not allow the girls who worked in his establishment either as waitresses or entertainers to make dates out of the club. Can you tell us how you obtained that information?
Mr. HALLMARK. Well, in the 3 plus years that I have known Ruby, we've probably--I can say conservatively that we have talked 30 minutes a week about first one thing or another. Ruby was a good neighbor, and, of course, he pushed my operation there in this garage, and it was through those conversations that influenced my thinking from a standpoint of--I mean--this wouldn't have anything to do with morals, it would be because Ruby knew that he could get him-serf in trouble, you know, lose his license.
Mr. HUBERT. That impression came from a series of conversations that spread over possibly 3 years?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; right.
Mr. HUBERT. All of which indicated to you that he would not tolerate the dating of his girls, but that principally he was motivated by the fact that he could get into difficulty if he did?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; true, because he could lose his liquor license.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he ever advert specifically to his losing his liquor license or is that an example that just simply occurs to you?
Mr. HALLMARK. That's just something that occurs to me. He had knowledge of the fact certainly that the Dallas Police Department checks on that type of thing.
Mr. HUBERT. What I'm trying to get at--do you specifically remember him saying something to the effect that I wouldn't do that because I might lose my license?
Mr. HALLMARK. I don't recall his ever stating that definitely.
Mr. HUBERT. I think you said that you thought that during the 3 years, more or less, period you probably spoke to Ruby probably 30 minutes a week at odd times?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; probably.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you ever hear him express any ideas concerning a political philosophy?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; never.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he ever discuss international politics or ideologies?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; not with me.
Mr. HUBERT. Now, on the 23d when you saw him, what was your impression of his reaction to the death of President Kennedy?
Mr. HALLMARK. I described him to Mr. Carter as being a preoccupied and an intense person.
Mr. HUBERT. You mean generally so?
Mr. HALLMARK. Generally so. Ruby was everything was either black or white with Ruby. There was no inbetween. He almost always in these conversations which I would have with him, he would probably be listening to me but he would be staring off--at anything.
Mr. HUBERT. You mean that's during the 3 years you knew him?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; and on this afternoon he was just more so. After he had closed this conversation with the diskjockey or newsman, if you prefer, he walked east or Commerce Street away from his club. In other words, he walked up past--I don't know at w at point he walked, but he walked past his competitors.
Mr. HUBERT. That's the Colony Club?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; that's right, and he was gone about 2 minutes and he came backhand when he came back he stopped right outside this cashier's cage and stood there and looked for--it seemed like 2 full minutes. He acted like


he wanted to say something, but he never did until he said, "I'll see you, Claud", and then he went and got in his car.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you form the impression then, on the 23d, that he was acting a bit differently than he usually did or has that impression been formed in retrospect?
Mr. HALLMARK. The best words I can think of to use he was typically himself only more so.
Mr. HUBERT. But I mean, did you get the impression of the "more so" then or did you think about it later and realize that it was more so?
Mr. HALLMARK. I got it then.
Mr. HUBERT. You got it then and there?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; definitely.
Mr. HUBERT. You didn't comment to anybody about it?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; not specifically.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words, on the 23d you had the mental reflection that Ruby is acting a little bit differently than he usually does?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; and the remarks which he made. He remarked to me and the first person he talked to on the telephone about what had happened to the President was terrible. Of course, I would certainly not object to his using the phone, he has used it numerous times, but I just acted, you know, I just left him alone. I didn't try to engage him in any conversation or anything because, or partially because of the way he was acting.
Mr. HUBERT. In other words, the manifestations of a difference in his attitude not only impressed itself on your memory at the time, but actually caused you to behave toward him differently than normally you would have?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; it did, although I don't recall having anything that wanted to talk to him about.
Mr. HUBERT. But you mentioned a moment ago that you refrained deliberately from your normal attitude with him?
Mr. HUBERT. Because of the strangeness of his attitude?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; I didn't want to impose myself on his thoughts whatever they were.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he indicate that he. was worried about the effect of the assassination of President Kennedy on his own business affairs?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; not except for the fact that he closed both his clubs. He had closed them the night prior and they were to be closed that night and the next, but he said nothing about the money it would cost him to close. He did ask me about the other--the neighboring places of business like his own. He asked me if I knew whether they would be open or not, and, of course, I told him that I did not know, and so he stated that they wouldn't have nerve enough to open after they had seen his ad. At the time I had not seen his ad. I looked at it later, and he had run an ad in the paper which stated that his clubs would be closed. It was a good-sized ad for that type place.
Mr. HUBERT. Well, did he comment about the effect of the assassination on his future business rather than on the closing for the 3 days?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; he made no comment about that.
Mr. HUBERT. Did he make any comment concerning his worry that for some reason the Jews might be implicated in the killing of the President on account of the Weissman ad?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; I heard nothing of that nature. As a matter of fact in having known him, I don't know, and of course, I realize that Ruby was Jewish. but I don't believe that I ever heard him say anything related to the fact that he was a Jew. I believe I would--rather people would get the impression that he was not Jewish. This is from looking at the thing and remembering it.
Mr. HUBERT. In retrospect?
Mr. HALLMARK. In retrospect.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you observe any sensitivity on his part because he was a Jew?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; I have never. Like I say, I believe that he would--I think he would rather people have not known that he was a Jew, but that's my


thinking, just because of the fact that we have never touched upon that in any of our conversations.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you know a boy by the name of Larry Crafard who worked for Ruby for awhile?
Mr. HALLMARK. Now, when was that?
Mr. HUBERT. Just before the assassination of the President last year?
Mr. HALLMARK. No; I do not recall that name. I did not ever try to strike up an acquaintance with any of Ruby's employees.
Mr. HUBERT. Actually. your duties cause you to move around from one place to the other?
Mr. HUBERT. How many places did you have under your supervision?
Mr. HALLMARK. I'm in charge of about eight downtown garages, specifically.
Mr. HUBERT. You were then?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes. When Ruby first moved into the Carousel it was the Sovereign Club, and I was the manager at that one specific garage then and that was Nichols Garage, and I don't remember exactly at what point I was made general manager and moved out, as you have described.
Mr. HUBERT. Did you have sort of a headquarters office?
Mr. HALLMARK. Yes; I headquartered--in other words, I usually parked my car there at 1320 Commerce, probably out of habit, but that was usually the first place in the morning and the last place in the evening. I generally called that headquarters at the time.
Mr. HUBERT. But you didn't know any of the people who worked there as entertainers?
Mr. HALLMARK. I knew them by sight only. I never tried to strike up a conversation with any of them or any acquaintance.
Mr. HUBERT. All right, is there anything else you would like to add, sir?
Mr. HALLMARK. I don't think so--I can't think of anything that I would want to add.
Mr. HUBERT. Now, I don't believe there has been any conversation between us except that, which has been recorded, is that correct?
Mr. HALLMARK. I believe that's correct.
Mr. HUBERT. Thank you very much. I appreciate your coming down.
Mr. HALLMARK. All right.
Mr. HUBERT. And I appreciate your taking the time to do so--thank you very much.
Mr. HALLMARK. All right, thank you, Mr. Hubert.

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