Directions to Lee Harvey Oswald's Grave
The grave of Oswald is located at Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park, 7301 East Lancaster Avenue, Fort Worth Texas.
I have included three sets of directions here. The first is by reseracher Deanie Richards of JFK Place and is used here with permission. The second set is from Heather Horn who visited the grave in 2001 and feels that some of the landmarks may have changed since Ms. Richards wrote her piece. The third set is by Jon Fleming and includes GPS information. If you decide to visit the grave, print all sets of directions and take them along. Keep in mind that the people at the Cemetary will not help you find the grave due to concerns about vandalism.
Directions by Deanie Richards
Directions by Heather Horn
Directions by Jon Fleming
This is a photo of the grave area taken in 2002 by Ron Buchinski.

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